As part of our Vocation Ministry, we are forming a Vocation Prayer Apostolate. The Vocation Prayer Apostolate is a spiritual army of women and men—many who are homebound, in hospitals, and in nursing homes—who offer up their suffering for an increase in priestly vocations. There is an ancient tradition of offering up suffering to God, beginning in the Old Testament and culminating with the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. We ask the thousands of ill Catholics in the diocese to join the ranks of the saints who have offered up their suffering for spiritual gain.
The Vocation team will assemble and train parish members (Vocation Prayer Apostolate team) to visit the sick and homebound, as well as those in nursing homes. People who are visited will be invited to enroll in the Vocation Prayer Apostolate. They will bring Vocation Prayer Apostolate brochures and discuss this special and most important ministry.
If you are currently visiting or bring Eucharist to shut-ins or people in hospitals or nursing homes, please contact Mary K. at the parish office at 603-542-9518, or send her an email.
If you know someone who is homebound or in a nursing home or long-care facility, please add this person to our prayer and visiting list.
We look forward to further developing this ministry and working with the members of our parish in most need of our presence.