Venite incipere! - Let us begin!
We at St. Mary Parish are very excited as we begin a new Vocations Ministry. The main mission of our Vocation Ministry is to help all parishioners discern God's will in their lives regardless of the vocation - to call all people to holiness. If our ministry focuses on this goal, over time vocations will increase, including more seminarians, religious men and women in formation, and holier marriages.
Some ministries center their attention only on how many individuals from their parishes choose to become priests, monks, brothers, sisters, or nuns, but ultimately God calls those he chooses for this holy work. The work of the Vocation Ministry is to pray and to develop uplifting, encouraging, educational activities that create a fertile environment so that God can plant the seed and the Holy Spirit can water that seed in the hearts of individuals.
The expectation is that our Vocations Ministry will start small and simple, and then grow in size and depth.
The most influential factor is prayer and so that is where we begin! Starting on May 23, 2019, every Thursday evening from 6:00 to 7:00 PM we will have Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction in St. Mary Church to pray for vocations in our parish and diocese.
Come & Pray!
To keep informed of vocations events, sign up for the Diocese of Manchester Vocations Newsletter.